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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
I Wanted to Become a Teacher an Example of the Topic Career by
I Wanted to Become a Teacher The globalization pattern that the world has been following ought to urge me to seek after a vocation that will unquestionably fit with the cutting edge economy and social pattern. I ought to be urged to turn into a hardware correspondences engineer, a clinical specialist or seek after a business course since these are callings that will by one way or another guarantee my money related solidness when the ideal opportunity arrives. However with my mom as an educator, the calling that is commonly the keep going thing on a secondary school understudies rundown of vocations to consider, I am having the showing calling as the main profession to consider. Need exposition test on I Wanted to Become a Teacher theme? We will compose a custom exposition test explicitly for you Continue Many accept that instructing is a simple activity, work that anybody can do yet this only one of the numerous legends about the calling (National Education Association). Knowing how my mom readies her exercise plans and showing materials around evening time, the manner in which she puts in a few hours understanding books and recording highlights, I accept that it isn't as simple as others take a gander at it. The truth of the matter is that 1a educator has been represented by a wolf, a creature respected for its insight. Wolf is an agnostic image for astuteness, learning and reliability things that instructors are straightforwardly related. Instructors don't come to class half-witted or with simply their books and exercise plans. One of the most significant weapons an educators convey along ordinary is insight and for a decent instructor, intelligence. Their calling involves the obligation of giving information to youngsters which must be conceivable in the event that they have something important in their psyches that they can share. Data can be obtained from books and other understanding materials yet to have information is for somebody to see how such data can influence ones life. On the off chance that instructing calling is tied in with passing on data, at that point there ought to be no educators now since web and other present day media are as of now accessible to have those data with only scarcely any snaps. Be that as it may, instructing isn't about data spread yet of causing individuals to comprehend the fundamentals of life. Wolves carry on with an intricate public activity which remembers their living for packs so they don't come out of the wilds alone. They utilize a remarkable method of correspondence utilizing their body and vocal dialects to keep each other caution. They carry on with a public activity that makes sure about their lives against adversaries. Like wolves, instructors come to class to educate in light of the fact that it is their duty as well as in light of the fact that they also are worried about the lives of their understudies. In the event that they truly dont, at that point they could simply leave and secure another employment that will some way or another compensation them more. Be that as it may, educators come to class ordinary since they realize they have the obligation of setting up their understudies for future and increasingly complex life battle. They come to class as accomplices of the guardians in guaranteeing a more promising time to come of their kids. I need to pressure that educators are accomplices which implies that instructors don't have the sole duty over the kids however through training, they assume an imperative job of molding their future. Like shepherds, instructors investigate the kids by checking their insight as well as their practices. As is commonly said, educators need to have both the energy and empathy in their calling (Academic Programs, Vol. 9. No. 1, January 2005). Educators could have additionally been contrasted with an apple, a directing star and an asylum however I am progressively persuaded with instructors assuming the job of a shepherd. A shepherd has everything that a decent instructor must have: lowliness, enthusiasm, empathy and confidence. What drives my eagerness to turn into an instructor is the story of the lost sheep. In the Bible story, the fundamental characters are the herd, the shepherd and the one lost sheep. The life of an instructor is to a greater extent a shepherd who fundamentally deals with the group. I can see that the shepherd carries on with a straightforward life out in the meadows, perhaps living in a tent and rest there during cold evenings. The shepherd must have the information and ability of picking the opportune spot where he could lead his run and let them eat. He needs to pick the most extravagant meadows conceivable so his run will have the option to eat well. Instructors also need to have these abilities. Educators need to know direct what are the things that the understudies must learn and by what method should they best learn. That is the means by which the relationship of the shepherd and the sheep contrasted with the educator understudy relationship. The prairies speaks to the solid condition where the understudies will have the option to gain proficiency with the best things and at the most ideal way that is available. As genuine instructors state, We are instructors before we become educators (D. Sasson). Great shepherds don't simply allow the group to lose and release them out to where these sheep want to go. In like manner, educators have the demeanor of guaranteeing things before anything is finished. That is the motivation behind why instructors concentrate first before they enter their study halls and remain before the understudies to educate. The aptitudes of educators, similar to that of a shepherd vary from other calling such that they can 2combine information with the system of giving such information to study hall students. There are canny individuals in different fields yet they can't all educate in light of the fact that instructing isn't just about passing on or sharing information. The equivalent is valid for a shepherd. Not every person can be a shepherd since tending runs need information as well as aptitudes and enthusiasm for driving the herds. The activity of an instructor is as requesting as the activity of a shepherd. Instructing requests time, innovativeness, caution and versatility the manner in which the duty of the shepherd over the group does. There is a lot in instructing that is unforeseen and questionable (W. Ayers, pg. 1). In the study hall setting, the occasions happen live away from movies and theater introductions which are scripted. The facts confirm that instructors may have made arrangements for what they are going to state about their points however these are not really scripted. Be that as it may, is unforeseen and dubious about the setting is that en route of conversation, there are surprising inquiries from the understudies that may come. Instructors ought to be prepared to answer these with trustworthiness. Since understudies are students, they should think of something in their psyches as opposed to what the educator may have said. It can likewise be that en route, something in the conversation has caused them to recollect something to get some information about. These are unguarded minutes that educators must envision and be prepared at. For instance an educator may be examining a theme on the moral and strict contemplations of self destruction. An understudy can ask what can happen to the self destruction planes during 911 assault or what could have transpired he realize who ended it all. Educators should likewise be innovative enough how to disclose the theme to understudies who have strict convictions in opposition to what is commonly acknowledged. Moreover, shepherds are arranged and ready enough to whatever may hurt his run like wild creatures that can connect while the sheep are eating. I needed to be an instructor since I needed to be the watchman of the children. For somebody to be happy to be a watchman must have the ideals of affection and worry for the children. An instructor accomplishes his work not for educating but since he has the brain as well as the heart too. Glancing back at the story, the shepherd found subsequent to checking his run toward the day's end that one sheep is absent. In the event that he has in excess of a hundred sheep, the one missing could have been insignificant for him so can simply let the others secured and couldn't care less what will befall the lost one. In any case, the great shepherd, in the wake of making sure about the remainder of the herd, went on his approach to locate the lost sheep. What is likewise significant is the confidence of the shepherd that he will have the option to locate the lost sheep. Like instructors, they have two or three understudies in only one study hall and these youngsters don't have a similar degree of knowledge to adapt up to the exercises similarly as the others. In the event that a couple in the class is clearly losing track, a decent educator recognizes what to do. An educator who cares won't let such understudies simply left behind. An educator can quantify how much his understudies have scholarly and he can generally evaluate who is hard up or who is simply not ready to learn. Essentially, sheep has the feeling of following its way back to where he originated from so he doesn't really be able to return home on its own when he is lost. Like a sheep, a kid can't go on with the learning procedure alone. He must have a guide, he needs to adapt up, and he needs to make a solid effort to learn. In any case, since they are learning in gathering, implying that they are educated all the while in the study hall, the confirmation of concurrent learning isn't outright. As I said before, the degree of knowledge of the understudies isn't the equivalent. The sheep may have been lost since it basically couldn't understand that it went excessively far away from his colleagues or it may be the case that it couldn't hear the shepherds voice flagging that the time has come to return home. Essentially, an understudy is abandoned in light of the fact that he comes up short on the excitement in his investigations, has a learning handicap or doesn't generally think about learning. Whatever the explanation is, the educator, similar to the shepherd, thinks about discovering who was lost and cares enough to take him back to the herd. I additionally appreciate the common regard that instructors and understudies share all around of the homeroom. I accept that the regard isn't about the control over the understudies yet its everything on power. Authority as I comprehend doesn't really indicates mastery yet it is of making an air where understudies will collaborate and comply with the instructor. We are specialists since we do the examination ourselves
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay Example for Free
The Lord Of The Flies Chapter 5 Review Essay In part 5 Ralph says, Things are separating. (Page 102). Having perused the entire novel, remark on whether you feel that things will keep on separating on the island. Clarify your answer in detail, utilizing cites where proper. The plane accident that begins Goldings tale is not really a hint of something better over the horizon, and things keep on breaking down all through the story. Ralphs acknowledgment in section five that Things are separating, (pg 102) is an ideal rundown of what has begun to occur, however now he has no clue about how awful things will get. The first occasion when we meet Jack; he is depicted as being in practically complete haziness (pg 27). This recommends there is a side to his character that is a long way from unadulterated, while the first occasion when we are acquainted with Piggy and Ralph, they take off and swim. This proposes honesty and light, a long ways from Jack and the choirboys approaching murkiness. The main sign we get that things are separating is in part two, at the gathering. Ralph is discussing how there should be rules and request, when Jack hinders with All a similar you need a military. (Pg 43) After this, it is concluded that the ensemble will be this military the away from of the corruption of Jack and the choirboys from heavenly attendants to tormenting trackers. Another key occasion that occurs in this gathering is the conch being picked to connote a people option to talk. This is the main standard that exists right now, and it is now broken before the finish of the gathering, when all the young men follow Jack off to make a fire: Jack clamored among them, the conch overlooked. (Pg 49) It turns out to be extremely certain that everything isn't well on the island when a littlun tells the gathering of a beastie that lives on the island. Ralph frantically attempts to console the youngsters: But there isnt a beastie! (Pg 47), while Jack agitates them by discuss chasing and demise: If there was a snake marry chase and murder it. When Golding brings up that Ralph Felt himself confronting something ungraspable, (pg 48) he is subtlely expressing that the purported beastie isn't some horrible animal, however insidious starting to surface in the young men. This development of underhandedness marks the start of the island, the young men and their microcosm separating. When assembling the fire, Jack and Piggy contend about whether Piggy aided by any means. At the point when Piggy calls attention to that he has the conch, Jack snaps with The conch doesnt depend on the mountain. Here Jack is discovering approaches to disengage himself from the standard and request of the conch, and succeeding. The main passing in the book is the point at which the kid with the mulberry pigmentation vanishes and is slaughtered in the backwoods fire. This is because of the trackers absence of obligation and letting the fire gain out of power. In part three, it becomes clear that the young men are experiencing a change for the more awful. They have now returned to the cadence of nature, instead of humanized time, and they become substantially more savage in that they are presently ready to kill. The gathering isn't cooperating, thus their general public is severing into littler gatherings. On page 64, Ralph whines to Jack that nobody is helping he and Simon manufacture the asylums: they (the littluns) continue running off. The trackers were additionally away from the principle gathering, on another ineffective chase. Jack at that point loses his temper, and his wickedness is unmistakably referenced. In this section, a positive fracture has started to show up among Ralph and Jack, an occasion called attention to on page 70: the yelling and sprinkling and giggling was just barely adequate to unite them once more. The main character who doesn't appear to separate is Simon. He is the quiet, strong audience of the young men island society. His honesty and lucidity of speculation, just as his serene conduct, separates Simon from the gathering of savages. They think he is abnormal which makes him an untouchable from the gathering. Toward the finish of part three he strays to be lone and serene. Here, he starts know about the decay that is happening, with expanding speed, in the social structure and serene magnificence of the island. He is one of only a handful few, maybe the main individual in the gathering, with the ability to comprehend the peril in such degeneration. Simons acknowledgment that everything isn't what it appears occurs on page 66: As if this wasnt a decent island. The very title of section four, painted faces and long hair recommends the separating of the island society as the young men relapse to viciousness. There is a respite in any case, an update that the young men old ethics have not gone totally when Roger can't toss a stone legitimately at Henry. The restrictions of old life (Pg 78) kept him from doing as such. Additionally in section four, Ralph spots smoke not too far off while washing. In any case, the trackers had released the fire out and no smoke was detected: The fire was smokeless and dead, the watchers were gone (Pg 85). At the point when the trackers return, they have executed a pig and are too amped up for this demonstration of brutality to stress over the most significant thing (in principle) on the island. This occasion denotes an adjustment in the gathering, Ralph particularly: they let the bleeding fire out. This is the first occasion when we see Ralph lose his temper. The pig is then simmered, and a ceremonial move happens. The trackers serenade, murder the pig, cut her throat, slam her in. This is a crude and savage activity. Part five truly fortifies the progressions the island, social structure and in fact the young men are experiencing. Ralph says, in a get together, how they don't assemble water any longer, or utilize their assigned restrooms. This discussion inevitably goes to rules. Jack brings up that if Ralph can't chase or melody (as it were go about as a savage), at that point does he reserve the privilege to be boss? More contending follows, and The world, that reasonable and legitimate world, was sneaking away. (Pg 113). The gathering is in total issue, and now clearly Ralphs articulation that things are separating was completely obvious. Since there is currently nothing to stop the gathering of young men (or savages) from dividing and deteriorating, things will presently keep on separating until the finish of the novel. Part six beginnings in dimness. This is where the dead parachutist makes his entrance into the story. The parachutists presentation shows that not all contact with the outside world is lost, however the main sign is a dead, decaying man killed in war: But a sign descended from the universe of adults, however at the time there was no youngster conscious to understand it. (Pg 118) This is a response to Ralphs edgy cry toward the finish of section five, despite the fact that not under any condition what he had needed, or anticipated. While Sam and Eric are keeping an eye on the fire, they see the scary outline of the parachutist fluttering about in the breeze and quickly see it as a physical type of the monster. They run back to Ralph and Piggy, and recount the occasions that have quite recently occurred at an early morning get together: Ralph pointed frightfully at Erics face, which was striped with scars where the shrubs had torn him How could you do that? Eric felt his face. Different young men naturally imagine that the brute had assaulted them, however this time there is nobody soothing the littluns and saying that there is no monster. At this, Jack proposes to chase the mammoth and his actual sentiments come through: Sucks to the littluns! We dont need the conch any longer. (Page 125) Here, Jack has surrendered any hint of request that there used to be, and is just keen on chasing. Jack drives the young men to château rock, the main spot that no one had investigated. Ralph strolled in the back, appreciative to have gotten away from duty (Pg 128). This shows authority is negatively affecting Ralph, and that he is presently maybe not as great a pioneer as he was toward the start. Jack and the trackers, once at manor rock, get extremely amped up for the spot and state it would be useful for a stronghold. Ralph then riches their fun and Jack drives the gathering back to the sanctuary. During section seven, Ralph joins the chase. He turns out to be extremely included, both in the genuine chase and the custom move that follows. He capitulates to the desire to hurt, in simply a similar route as the savage trackers. Ralph excessively was battling to get close to The longing to press and hurt was over-acing. (Pg 142) They become so retained into the move that they don't see that they are harming Robert. After this move, Golding portrays the weakening scene of the island, reflecting the young men degeneration. Ralph, Jack and Roger then go up the mountain to search for the brute. In part eight, Gift for the murkiness, various articles have now gotten no-no, for example the mammoth and, on account of Piggy, Jack. The young men express their dread for things by not naming them. Without acknowledging it, they are really expanding their dread by not looking ready. Jack turns out to be considerably more fierce, and his possessiveness and yearning for administration is at its most grounded: Hands up, said Jack emphatically, whoever needs Ralph not to be boss. (Pg 157) Jack at that point goes off and chooses to make his very own camp, however he considers it a clan (which is demonstrating evident viciousness). The savages who had once had a place with the ensemble went with him, a scary spoof of the once saintly gathering. Jacks clan go on a chase, and catch a pig. After this demise, they cheerfully spread themselves in the pigs blood. The demonstration of executing marks an achievement in that the young men have arrived at a crude degree of living. Afterward, Jack and his posse attack Ralphs place to stay. They take a consuming log for their own fire and Jack welcomes all the young men to come join his clan at the banquet they are to have that night. As the savages leave, Ralph remarks about how he wishes he could have a great time as well, yet the fire is increasingly critical to him. Back at the clearing Simon is having a conversation with the pigs head that the trackers had put on a stick. This conversation is presumably generally in Simons head, however Golding utilizes this meeting as a creepy method to reveal the topic of the novel. Golding currently alludes to
Friday, August 7, 2020
Time Line for Fall 2010 Admission COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Time Line for Fall 2010 Admission COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Admissions Committee continues to read/review at a fast and furious pace and no, decisions have not started to be posted to the system yet. As a reminder, you will receive an email from us when your decision is ready to be viewed on the application Web site. We cannot provide estimates on when individual decisions will be published and not all decisions are published at the same time. I did want to provide a quick overview of the time line that will follow the release of admission decisions. Applicants admitted to SIPA should be aware of the following information. Starting on March 22 the Admissions Office will host an internet message board that will allow admitted applicants to interact with one another and with current students. SIPA students will be taking a spring break from March 15th to 19th and we will have the board up after their return. Details will be sent to admitted students once the board is activated. Second, SIPA will host an Admitted Student Day on Tuesday, April 13th. Admitted Student Day will take place on the Columbia Campus and it will be a full day event. Professor Jeff Sachs will be giving a special talk during the lunch portion of Admitted Student Day. Third, May 3rd is the date by which admitted students must pay a deposit confirming enrollment for fall 2010. In earlier communications I had noted the date would be May 1st, but since May 1st falls on a Saturday we moved the response date to the next business day, Monday. Fourth, a series of communications will be sent to admitted applicants and these messages will come from the address. Please ensure that your email client is set to receive messages from this account. Faculty, current students, administrators, and alumni will all be included in the communication chain. Fifth, if you are admitted you will need to ensure that official academic transcripts and official test reports are in our office no later than June 15th. We will work with admitted applicants to determine if official copies of these documents were already provided to us during the application process. Last, unfortunately applicants placed on the waitlist are unable to participate in admission related activities until an admission offer is made. More details regarding the waitlist will be published on this blog in the future. We will begin to work the waitlist in April and this process will often continue into the summer. For admitted applicants, specific details on all of the above information, and many other topics, will be available on a Welcome Page that is referenced in the admission letter. Thank you for your attention . . . now back to Committee meetings . . .
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Short Block vs. Long Block vs. Crate Engines
The engine in a typical car should last a few hundred thousand miles, and some have hit even a million miles, depending on maintenance. However, manufacturing inconsistencies, lack of maintenance, or other circumstances can dramatically shorten the life of an engine, sometimes in spectacular ways. If you need to replace a damaged engine or upgrade your engine, you have a few choices to make. Short block vs. long block vs. crate enginesâ€â€which should you choose? Not everyone has the time and tools required to fully rebuild or assemble an engine. Malkovstock / Getty Images The basic difference between a short block vs. long block vs. crate engines is their level of assembly. Of course, you could build your own engine, piece by piece, if you have the tools and knowledge or have a friend with a machine shop. If you’re building a race car, that’s a good way to go, but you wouldn’t likely build an engine from scratch for your daily driver. To shorten your vehicle’s downtime and reduce the level of complexity, you might choose a crate engine, long block, or short block. Basic Differences At its most basic, the difference between short block, long block, and crate engines is that each is progressively more expensive but requires less time and expertise to install. We’ll cover some of these differences and similarities, as well as instances when you might choose one over the other. Depending on tools, expertise, and budget, you may spend more or less time rebuilding your engine. MS Phil Speck / USANG Short Block Engine A short block engine is essentially just the engine block with a few major components. A short block engine usually includes, preinstalled, a new crankshaft with bearings and caps, new connecting rods, and new pistons. When installing a short block, you’ll need a master gasket kit so you can transfer parts from your old engine to the new short block, such as cylinder heads, oil pump, oil pan, timing sprockets and pulleys, timing belt or chain, camshafts, and intake and exhaust manifolds, as well as sensors and actuators. Choose a short block if the bottom end is damaged but the top end (cylinder heads) is in good condition and you have the time to swap over all the parts. Long Block Engine Depending on who makes it, the long block usually includes the short block with the cylinder heads preinstalled, most likely including timing components and anything behind them, such as the oil pump and camshafts. When installing a long block, you’ll need to transfer some parts from your old engine, such as the intake and exhaust manifolds, and some of the sensors and actuators. Choose a long block engine if there’s damage in the bottom and top end. Crate Engine Depending on who makes it, crate engines can range from long block to complete, including the oil pan, cylinder heads, intake and exhaust manifolds, sensors and actuators, maybe even the engine main harness. We’re referring to a complete engine, which is a good idea for those looking for a drop-in solution to their engine problems. No parts are transferred to the new engine, aside from the alternator, air-conditioning compressor, and engine mounts, which significantly reduces the time to install. Choose a crate engine or complete engine when time is of the essence or the engine has suffered extensive failures. Crate engines can also be custom-ordered, the weapon of choice for many enthusiasts who want more power from their custom cars. These are the three main categories of new engines you can buy for the typical project, but not the only ones. You might also consider used junkyard engines or remanufactured engines. Junkyard Engine A junkyard engine might be a good choice for your vehicle project. Julien Grosjean / Getty Images A junkyard engine might be a good choice if you are looking to save money. These usually come complete, hopefully with intact wiring, though each facility does things differently. If you have an engine-savvy friend, they can help you inspect the engine before you buy it. You-pick junkyards will require that you remove the engine yourself, so you can take as much care as you want to save the parts you need the most. Choose a junkyard engine if budget is of primary concern, but be aware that it might not come with any warranty and might have already been abused or neglected. Remanufactured Engine These used engines may be available in differing levels of assembly, from short block to long block or complete. The difference between a remanufactured or rebuilt engine is that they’ve been overhauled or at least certified by engine experts. They’re used and may have varying levels of new parts, are usually more expensive than junkyard engines but less expensive than crate engines, and usually come with a warranty. Choose a remanufactured engine if you’re not planning on rebuilding it yourself. Here, an engine is either ready for disassembly or reinstallation. PIXNIO Choosing between these different engines if you must replace or rebuild an engine needn’t be overwhelming. Considering your expertise, available tools, and budget, not to mention existing damage, choose the engine that best meets your needs. Still wondering which is best? Ask an engine-savvy friend or a trusted mechanic.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Morality and Laws in The Trial and Death of Socrates...
Morality and Laws in The Trial and Death of Socrates Upon reading Plato, The Trial and Death of Socrates, Socrates strongly held views on the relationship between morality and laws become apparent to the reader. Equally, Socrates makes clear why laws should be followed and why disobedience to the law is rarely justified. Finally, he makes clear his views regarding civil disobedience. Socrates’ view on morality is that anyone can do wrong. It is said that injuring someone in return for injury to oneself is wrong. He follows this with the connection between morality and the city. You do badly without the cities authorization; you are doing wrong towards the city and the laws. He felt if you are behaving against peoples mind and in this†¦show more content†¦Everyone has his or her ancestors who have a higher standard in life. However the city was there before them and so should be respected and laws should be followed. Socrates explains his theory of the city and its rules as the nature of ones life. It is not moral to fight against it. We were welcomed to live in it and accept it how it is. A very important aspect of the city and its rules is that one is not forced to do as it dictates. One has the ability to choose between two options. You can either obey the city and its rules or not. If you want to go somewhere else you can do so, but do not complain here. Regarding Socrates view one should not obey the law just because it is the law. As I said before you have two choices, but one of them is the moral option. We say that it is moral, as it was taught to us this way, but one doesn’t really think about their own opinion in reference to it. We are absolutely commanded by our ancestors and the city. It is like being objects being commanded our whole life. Men have not the choice to decide what is moral for their standard of life. The moral way is what the city or their parents tell them to do. We are depending on their opinion to decide if we did wrong or not. On Socrates view it is not someone else’s decision what is right or wrong, it isn’t the moral life to follow others opinion about morality. Disobedience can be justified. One can have reasons to actShow MoreRelatedThe Trial And Death Of Socrates By Plato, Antigone, And Confessions By Saint Augustine1506 Words  | 7 Pagesmembers share social responsibility, actively pursuing a sense of communal virtue. The fruition of their cooperation brings about conditions where it is easiest for individuals to freely improve the wealth of the public. Using the texts The Trial and Death of Socrates by Plato, Antigone by Sophocles, and Confessions by Saint Augustine, this essay will explore the complex relationship between the individual and society in Greco-Roman culture. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
MS 13 Free Essays
The MS 13 Gang has become one of the most notorious street gags in the United States. Like most gangs, MS 13 has a number of distinguishing features which can identify the gang and separate it from the various other gangs that exist in the modern urban landscape. The average age of an MS 13 gang member is 16. We will write a custom essay sample on MS 13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now This comes as a shocking fact to many people since that would peg the gang as primarily a teenage gang. While the average age of the gang may be 16 there is a great deal of diverse ages throughout that gang as a whole. That is, there are members of the gang who range in age from 13 – 38. Many of the older members are those who have been gangs for life. The gang is also well known for its propensity to cover themselves in tattoos. However, there are those who are moving away from this because the tattoos have a tendency to identify members of the gang easily. MS 13 also uses a hand sign known as the â€Å"devil’s head.†This is similar to forming an upside down letter â€Å"M†with the fingers. The gang’s colors are blue and white which are in honor of the flag of El Salvador. The hierarchy of the gang is well organized having a number of chapters all over the United States. This shows significant growth from the early days when the gang was initially only based in California. This shows that the stage the gang is in is that of one that operates internationally as it has a presence in the United States and Latin America as well. MS 13 stands for Mara Salvatrucha which essentially means Salvadoran Gang Member. The number 13 is used because it is representative of luck. The gang has become one of the most powerful and well organized of all the gangs in the United States. The roots of the gang in the United States date back to the early 1980’s. There was a major civil war occurring in El Salvador and during this time period many Salvadoran immigrants fled their native land during the war torn unrest that was occurring in their home country. There are two origins for the gang’s early days. One version states that the Salvadoran immigrants mixed with the other Hispanic gangs at first. Later, they would eventually form their own gang – one which more clearly displayed their country of origin’s roots. The other version of the origin of the gang centers on the notion that the Salvadoran immigrants formed their own gang so as to protect themselves from other gangs in their neighborhoods. MS 13 is heavily involved involved in drug trafficking and immigrant smuggling. The gang is also involved in protection rackets, contract killings and other criminal activity. The revenue fueled by these pursuits has allowed MS 13 to grow in numbers and influence. This has occurred despite significant efforts by law enforcement to curtail the gang’s activities and growth. The gang’s primary geographic strongpoint is southern California where it has always maintained a strong presence. The gang, however, has grown in numbers and influence and has spread to many other regions of the United States. It is believed that the total number of MS 13 members is roughly 130,000 Bibliography Walker, Robert. (2004) â€Å"MS 13†GANGS OR US. Retrieved April 12, 2008 from        How to cite MS 13, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Prometheus Bound Essay Paper Example For Students
Prometheus Bound Essay Paper A monologue from the play by Percy Bysshe Shelley NOTE: This monologue is reprinted from Prometheus Unbound; A Lyrical Drama in Four Acts with Other Poems. Percy Bysshe Shelley. London: C and J Ollier, 1820. PHANTASM: Fiend, I defy thee! with a calm, fixed mind,All that thou canst inflict I bid thee do;Foul Tyrant both of Gods and Humankind,One only being shalt thou not subdue.Rain then thy plagues upon me here,Ghastly disease, and frenzying fear;And let alternate frost and fireEat into me, and be thine ireLightning, and cutting hail, and legioned formsOf furies, driving by upon the wounding storms. Ay, do thy worst. Thou art omnipotent.Oer all things but thyself I gave thee power,And my own will. Be thy swift mischiefs sentTo blast mankind, from yon ethereal tower.Let thy malignant spirit moveIn darkness over those I love:On me and mine I imprecateThe utmost torture of thy hate;And thus devote to sleepless agony,This undeclining head while thou must reign on high. But thou, who art the God and Lord: O, thou,Who fillest with thy soul this world of woe,To whom all things of Earth and Heaven do bowIn fear and worship: all-prevailing foe!I curse thee! let a sufferers curseClasp thee, her torturer, like remorse;Till thine Infinity shall beA robe of envenomed agony;And thine Omnipotence a crown of pain,To cling like burning gold round thy dissolving brain. Heap on thy soul, by virtue of this Curse,Ill deeds, then be thou damned, beholding good;Both infinite as is the universe,And thou, and thy self-torturing solitude.An awful image of calm powerThough now thou sittest, let the hourCome, when thou must appear to beThat which thou art internally;And after many a false and fruitless crimeScorn track thy lagging fall through boundless space and time.
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